Monday, February 23, 2009

Talisman: Patrick Conlin

One of my favorite pieces of personal adornment is this large brooch/pendant made by Patrick Conlin in Eugene, Oregon. Patrick makes all of his jewelry by hand, and much of it is inspired by Celtic design. Patrick shares his business with his wife, Katy Jane. They are always at the Saturday Market in downtown Eugene and were spotted at Faerieworlds last year. We hope they return this year!

More of Patrick and Katy's jewelry can be seen at their website,

New Painting: Celestial Messenger

My latest painting is inspired by the many Red-Tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) I see hunting around the fields surrounding I-5 on my weekly pilgrimages between Eugene and Portland. Hawks are formidable predators, and I have seen them try to take on stray cats in competition for food. These birds look quite large when they're sitting on a branch or fencepost, but most of that bulk is actually feathers. I know this only because I have stopped to look at road-killed hawks in the past, and I find it remarkable how small their bodies really are.

This painting came to me after doodling on a Post-it note a rather tiny image of a hawk materializing from a stand of hazel trees, merging with the sun. I have read that native cultures associate the hawk with the duties of a great messenger, acting as a link between Heaven and Earth. The patterns on the bird's back are of Celtic origin (specifically, the La Tène period).

"Celestial Messenger" is currently available as a print in my Etsy shop.

Talisman: Brooke Stone

Brooke Stone is one of my favorite jewelers. She lives in the Willamette Valley in Oregon where she creates stunning sculptures of animals and other natural objects in precious metals. I commissioned this piece from her last year, and I wear it almost every day. It is a Raven with carnelian rowan berries and bronze leaves, silver twigs, silver and bronze claws, and a carved bone moon.

I recently visited Brooke at her home and studio. She is an enchanted woman who surrounds herself with nature, both indoors and out. Her husband Jim Clement is a wonderful fellow who makes beautiful chains. Brooke is going to be a vendor at Faerieworlds this year, and we're very excited to welcome her to the family.

Brooke Stone Jewelry:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Vintage" Faerieworlds Poster

I have always been a fan of the Arts & Crafts style of printmaking and design. I decided to design a special poster for this year's Faerieworlds festival that echoes this. Among my other duties as "official" Faerieworlds graphic designer and Etsy hunter for exceptional vendors for our shows (beware: if you're awesome, I will find you), I sometimes find time to make things like this.

I'm hoping to make this poster available only at the show as a limited edition.